The Category Six Pesticide Training Committee is sponsoring two, one-half day training courses for right-of-way pesticide applicators. The courses dates are the afternoon of Thursday, October 10, 2024, and the morning of Friday, October 11, 2024. The course is located at the Holiday Inn Auburn-Finger Lakes Region, 75 North St., Auburn, NY 13021
For 2024, there will be two individual 2-hour Demonstration Site field-training courses on Thursday, October 10, from 9-11am. Field demo 1 will focus on Utility field operations and is located at the Finger Lakes Mall located on Routes 5&20. Field demo 2 will focus on equipment calibration, is located at the Holiday Inn-Auburn back parking lot and is located at 75 North Street in Auburn. Space is limited to 100 participants for field demo 1 and 50 participants for field demo 2. Car-pooling from the Holiday Inn is encouraged. Pre-registration is mandatory. The fee for the field sessions is $20.00 (no refund) and is required to be paid with pre-registration. Walk-ins will not receive credits.
The Training Committee has applied to the DEC for 4 recertification credit hours in Category 6A for the course on October 10, 4 credit hours for the course on October 11. It is the attendee’s responsibility to maintain a record of recertification credits. To receive credit, attendees must show a current Pesticide Applicator ID card at registration and attend the entire program. The Committee has applied for ISA CA/Utility Specialist credits as well as the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture for PA recertification credits. The program website is: https://row.psep.cce.cornell.edu/
Participants registering by September 30, 2024, a pre-registration fee of $85.00 for attendance at both classroom courses and $65.00 for one classroom course. This reduced fee applies even if you pay at the door, provided you are pre-registered by September 30th. Pre-registration is encouraged. Registration after September 30th or at the door will be $95.00 for both classroom courses or $75.00 for one classroom course. Make checks out to Category Six Pesticide Training Committee. There is no guarantee of a place for those registering at the door. Please complete and return the enclosed registration form. Online registration and credit card payments are encouraged to be completed on the program website. Refunds: Registrants may withdraw from the course with a full refund, less a $20 processing fee, provided written notification is received by October 2nd. No refunds after that date. Substitutions are allowed at any time.
A block of rooms has been reserved at the current government rate for two double beds or for one king size bed. The Holiday Inn Auburn-Finger Lakes Region phone number is 315-253-4531. Reservations must be made by September 9, 2024, under the name Cornell University Right-of-Way Pesticide Workshop.
If you have any questions, call Amber VanNostrand at 607-255-1866.

More than 15 million acres of land in the U. S. are presently in use as right-of-ways for electric powerlines, telephone lines, highways, railroads, pipelines, navigation channels, airport runway approaches, drainage and flood control canals, spillways, levees, and communications structures. All of these require periodic vegetation management in order to assure their continued efficient and safe use. One way in which this management can be provided is with the use of herbicides.
The objectives of a well planned right-of-way vegetation management program are to safely, efficiently and effectively maintain right-of-ways, utility substations, compressor sites, regulation or meter stations, maintenance/storage yards, drainageways, fencerows and other right-of-way facilities so that vegetation does not interfere with their intended use.
This program seeks to advance the knowledge and professionalism of ROW managers.