Conference Organizers
Michael Amato
Consolidated Edison
William Ashby
New York State Thruway Authority
Timothy Baker
New York State Thruway Authority
Jeremiah Carroll
National Grid
Brian Chateauvert
RWC, Inc.
Brandon Dunlap
Nutrien Solutions
Kaitlyn Falco
Orange and Rockland Utilities
Michael J. Gallucci
Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corp.
Michael Helms
Cornell University
Cornell Cooperative Extension Pesticide Safety Education Program (CCE-PSEP)
Wyatt Jacobi
Central Hudson Gas & Electric
Carl Kochersberger
Anthony Lamanno
Robert Lemieux
NYS Public Service Commission
Ronald Lemin, Jr.
Nutrien Solutions
Jason Myers
The Orion Companies
Mary Ellen Papin
New York State Department of Transportation
Paul Paradine
New York State Electric and Gas
Lewis H. Payne
New York Power Authority
William Peery (Jesse)
Erin Perry
New York State Electric and Gas
Christopher Peterson
Consolidated Edison
John Rowen
Karl L. Schoeberl
Environmental Energy Alliance of New York
Matthew Smith
NYS Public Service Commission
Keith Still
Orange and Rockland Utilities
Amber VanNostrand
Cornell University
Cornell Cooperative Extension Pesticide Safety Education Program (CCE-PSEP)
Marty Williams